
brygga, bryggaCNC and CenteRail are trademarks of bryggaCNC, a California company.

bryggaCNC reserves the right to make modifications or substitutions without notice.  See Terms and Conditions

Designed and Manufactured in the USA

Machine Components:

All load-bearing parts of brygga are machined from 6061 aluminum slabs in our shop to meet our quality standards. We use commercial parts from well established companies such as 80/20, VXB or CNCRP to maintain the same standards.

All carriages and the gantry frame come fully assembled to reduce errors, to provide an easy and quick installation and to provide a trouble free experience.

The finish of your brygga is the same as you see in our pictures, with polished surfaces.

All necessary hardware and commercial items you will need are included in our packages such as gear racks, ball screws, bearings, spacers, e-chain shelves/brackets, etc.

There is virtually nothing else to buy to finish your machine except the electronics, base, spoil board and your dust collection system.

Your brygga can easily be installed on any base you provide and can be operated with any electronics package of your preference.

We offer a complete, effordable and fully integrated electronics set in Nema 23 size which comes fully assembled. All you need to do is to connect included wiring.

          Note: Some images are shown with the optional brygga electronics set.

brygga consists of following main components:

  1. Machine Frame with CenteRail, easy to assemble, included in set.

  2. Base, to be provided by owner.

  3. Y/A - axis carriages, fully assembled, included in set

  4. X - axis carriage, fully assembled, included in set

  5. Z - axis / gantry with CenteRail, partially assembled, included in set

  6. Electronics, your preferred system or our fully assembled brygga set.

  7. Dust collection.


DrawbridgeCNC  -   All rights reserved  -  Copyright 2016  -  Centerail  -  Patent pending  -  Copyright 2016


